Copyright 2012-2025, Micha the Mouth. All rights reserved.
All materials contained in the Micha "the Mouth" website are:
- subject to copyright law of the middle ages which means if you steal from this website hundreds of wicked knights will hunt you down, stick metal spiky balls up your anus and dunk you in steaming hot water until you admit you are a witch
- presented solely for the purpose of pleasing, teasing, tickling, and arousing you especially if you are soon to be married, soon to be executed, or soon to be auctioned off into a life of slavery and misfortune
- presented for personal, noncommercial, home-use only such as family reunions, funerals, circumcisions, exorcisms, and drug interventions.
Any person accessing these materials agrees not to make any other use of them (including but not limited to reduction, lactation, defecation, and public exhibitionism). In short keep your clothes on, enjoy the site and behave!